national center for technology foresight
Министерство цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности Республики Казахстан информирует Вас о том, что в рамках реализации проекта «Стимулирование продуктивных инноваций» (далее – Проект), объявлен конкурс по грантовой программе «Консорциумы производственного сектора: Индустриально-научный технологический консорциум».

12 октября 2023 года в Республиканском государственном предприятии «Национальный центр технологического прогнозирования» планируется публичное обсуждение результатов внутреннего анализ коррупционных рисков
We are excited to invite you to the Central Eurasian Venture Forum (CEVF) 2023, taking place on June 2nd in Almaty – the leading innovation-focused venture conference in Central Asia.
19 сентября 2023 года вРеспубликанском государственном предприятии «Национальныйцентр технологического прогнозирования» планируется внутренний анализ коррупционных рисков

По результатам тестирования технологий распознавания лиц, проведенного Национальным институтом стандартов и технологий (National Institute of Standards and Technologies, NIST)
These financing mechanisms are reflected in the Roadmap to the Memorandum between the EU and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Horizon Europe – (EU HORIZON EUROPE) is the key framework program of the European Union for the financing of scientific research and innovation with a total volume of 95.5 billion. euro, which will be available for seven years from 2021 to 2027.
The program is funded from the budget of the European Union and is a financial instrument aimed at improving the competitiveness and growth of the EU, addressing climate change and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The program finances research, development and innovation activities on a competitive basis.
The main participants of the program are the member states of the European Union and the countries associated with the Horizon Europe program, including the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- EIT RawMaterials KAVA Calls is a community of scientists from scientific organizations, universities and industrial enterprises involved in the development of new innovations in the value chain, which includes more than 120 associate specialists, as well as 190 partners on various projects.
EAT Raw Materials allocates financial resources to improve the skills of employees of enterprises in order to meet the needs of various industries (automotive, aviation, electronics, technologies related to sustainable energy, etc.) in specialists.
Required condition for the financing program is the presence of a need on the part of a particular manufacturer, a business model to increase the productivity of the enterprise and commercialization of its products.
Funding for advanced training is allocated: for lifelong learning of a specialist or for participation in thematic summer/winter schools.
The amount of funding depends on the complexity and length of the training program.
- EFSD+ (European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus, European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus) is a guarantee instrument of the European Union for investors implementing projects in various regions of the world, which allows investors to finance high–risk projects in complex markets of the world.
In the period from 2021 to 2027, EFSD+ plans to announce two tenders to provide a guarantee. The first tender was completed on June 16, 2022, and 40 investment projects in Africa, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region received a positive EFSD+ conclusion on guarantees in the amount of 6.05 billion. euro.
EFSD+ also allocates grant funds to the manufacturer of products for the preparation of projects and their submission for financing to various financial institutions of the European Union, such as the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and national development banks.
The amount of grant funding depends on the complexity and volume of the requested funds from financial institutions for the implementation of the project.
- CONNEX is a division established in 2014 at the initiative of the G7 to provide short-term advisory support in intergovernmental negotiations in order to enhance the capabilities of emerging economies to effectively conclude investment contracts, mainly in the mining industry.
CONNEX negotiation support is interdisciplinary with technical, legal, financial, environmental and social expertise of the investment project. Since 2017, CONNEX has supported 30 projects in 20 countries around the world.
The amount of the service depends on the amount of work to conduct the relevant examinations.
- TPSDE Facility - (Trade, Private Sector Development and Management Facility, Fund for Trade, Development and Involvement of the Private Sector) was established in 2014 to provide favorable business conditions in partner countries.
В казахстанском павильоне международной выставки Dubai EXPO 2020 состоялась презентация «Зеленые прорывные технологии Казахстана», подготовленная Национальным центром технологического прогнозирования Министерства индустрии и инфраструктурного развития РК, передает Генеральное консульство РК в Дубай.